What Others Are Saying

Jeanne Shaheen, U.S. Senator
"I have worked with Debora for years. She is a true public servant who holds herself to the highest standards. Throughout her career she has been a consistent advocate for her constituents and someone who can be trusted to put people first. In elected office, she has been a strong advocate for public education, expansion of health care, and equal opportunity for everyone. Not only that, you can count on her to spend taxpayer money carefully. I am proud to endorse Debora Pignatelli for re-election to the Executive Council."Jim Donchess, Mayor of Nashua
"Executive Councilor Debora Pignatelli has a proven track record of working for Nashua as a State Representative, State Senator, and now on the Executive Council. And for every term in every office she has served in, Councilor Pignatelli has been a great partner and collaborator with the city government in working for her constituents. She has kept the tolls away from Nashua and helped remove the ones at Exit 11. She brought the DMV to Nashua with their office at Exit 6. She is a strong supporter of bringing commuter rail to our city and all of the opportunities that will come with it. And above all, she has always been accessible and available to help all of her constituents with whatever concerns they have."The Keene Sentinel
"As a councilor, she worked to stop the practice of awarding no-bid contracts without scrutiny, except in specific, necessary cases. She was also instrumental in beginning the practice of holding public hearings for judicial and departmental nominees, in both cases creating needed transparency where there had been none."
"We endorse Pignatelli."
The Telegraph
"Not only is she on the right side of several key issues that came before the council – a commuter rail study and funding for Planned Parenthood among them – but her demonstrated accessibility and responsiveness to constituents would be a breath of fresh air after the past two years, when it seemed her Republican opponent forgot Nashua – the state’s second-largest city – was part of his district."
Arvind Ranade, Nashua
"My respect and admiration for her as an individual of exceptional integrity, and a hardworking public official, has steadily grown over the years - and for very good reasons."
Brad Cook, New Hampshire Business Review
"Pignatelli is personable, experienced, serious, and well-liked..."
Susan Russo, Nashua
"Give your vote to Deb Pignatelli because she's been there working for us at a job that has little fanfare and enormous responsibility, often without thanks. Return her to the job she does so that if you need help as we did, Deb will be there for you, too."
John Sias, Hollis
"Having known Deb for 25 years, I have great respect and admiration for her. Regardless of the issue, I have found her completely honest and honorable. A class act, she is the type of political office holder that New Hampshire can be proud of."
Liz Thomas, Former Selectwoman, Town of Peterborough
"Debora is the vastly better choice - more experienced, more knowledgeable, better in every way. Her job as Executive Councilor is as difficult as it is demanding, but she does it beautifully, with honor and intelligence. She has served her constituents extremely well and we would be wise to support her."
James Squires, M.D., former State Senator
"She is both an outstanding individual and a public servant whose integrity is beyond reproach, whose interest in serving is for all the right reasons, and whose political philosophy is free of extreme views. She approaches each issue with an open and inquiring mind, a refreshing contrast to many holders of elective office who offer predetermined answers before bothering to ask any questions!
Jim Pilliod, Former Republican State Representative from Belmont
"She was always working to help people, especially children."
Rick Russman, former Republican Chair of the Senate Environment Committee
"She is sensitive to the needs of people, and was a very caring Senator. She is extraordinarily bright and passionate about the issues. She has the ability to reach out to Republicans and Democrats alike. But she is also a great mom ... very connected to her children."
Sylvia Larsen, Former Senator, Concord, NH
"Nashua should know that Senator Pignatelli's steadfast opposition to tollbooths ground them to a halt. I know. I saw her successful efforts..."
Stephen Reno, Former Chancellor, University of New Hampshire
"Thanks for your consistent support for the University System, especially Keene State College."
Keene Sentinel
"A woman of uncommon common sense."
Union Leader
"Councilor Pignatelli deserves congratulations for putting taxpayers first."
The Telegraph
"Credit Nashua Democratic Councilor Debora Pignatelli for asking DRED (Department of Resources and Economic Development) the hard questions and being skeptical of the responses."
"If Debora Pignatelli gets her way, local residents will become more familiar with the Welcome Center off Exit 6 of the F.E. Everett Turnpike. That's because the Nashua Councilor is spearheading efforts to move the state Division of Motor Vehicles licensing substation there."
Regarding the downtown Nashua Liquor Store planned closing - "Playing a key role on the lobbying end was Executive Councilor Debora Pignatelli, who testified at a public hearing... that the store played a vital role in downtown Nashua and shouldn't be closed."
Barry Conway, Former Commandant, New Hampshire Veterans Home
"Your past efforts on behalf of the Veterans Home have made a significant and lasting contribution toward an enhanced quality of life for our residents."
Also see my Endorsements!